Three factors make
for a great online experience in GGST
- 01. Rollback netcode makes for smooth matches with far away players
- 02. The Tower System helps you find players at your level
- 03. How to find an opponent
01Rollback netcode makes
for smooth matches
with far away players
GGST uses the same type of network players enjoyed in the previous title
"Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R (Steam version)"!
Rollback netcode allows for a great match experience, regardless of the distance between the players.
If you're having trouble finding an opponent, try looking all around the world!
02The Tower System helps
find players at
your level
Control an avatar to play matches and make friends in the Online Lobby!
GGST's Online Lobby assigns you to a floor depending on your skill level.
Each floor has a restriction based on skill, and you automatically move up floors if you keep winning.
The analysis of your actions during matches also impacts when you move floors, meaning players
at the same skill level naturally gather on the same floor.
Everyone, from new players to veterans, can enjoy tense battles!
There's even an outdoor floor anyone can enter and the highest floor for only the best of the best.
Many worlds await you!
03How to find an opponent
For players who just want to jump right into matches,
you can also enter matchmaking without going to the Online Lobby, while playing Training Mode.
You can choose your opponent from the lobby, so there's no need to wait!
Use the Player Match mode when you want to enjoy matches with your friends online.
You can set restrictions for entering the room, and even have fun switching up the game rules.
There's also an Online Training feature, great for practicing together or asking for advice.