Announcement Regarding Occurring Errors and Plans for Upcoming Balance Update

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Hello everyone, this is Miyauchi, the producer.

Thank you for your continued support of Guilty Gear -Strive-.

Apology for In-game Issues

Currently, due to the problems shared in the [Ver. 1.41] Known Issues announcement as well as new issues occurring after the fix, we have failed to meet players’ expectations. As we reflect on the current situation, we are also working to ensure this does not happen again. We offer our deepest apologies.

We plan to release an update to fix these issues on December 23.

Battle Balance Adjustments

We’ve received a lot of feedback on the Season 4 battle balance adjustments. With the players’ feedback in mind, we’ve confirmed the current condition in matches and found that some aspects have departed from the development team’s intentions behind the balance changes.

While taking into account upcoming update plans and the impact on work towards fixing in-game issues, we have decided to make battle balance adjustments on December 23 as well for areas that need to be dealt with promptly.
The following covers the core changes made in this update:

① Adjustments for moves and damage that did not align with the intent to increase the overall number of interactions in a match
Although we raised overall defense, as a result of increased damage to individual moves and the addition of new combos, we were not able to achieve the intended effect of increasing the number of interactions within actual matches. To address this, we’ve adjusted damage in line with the overall changes as well as reassessed some characters’ move properties and reduced chip damage during Guard Crush.

② Adjustments to move properties that did not align with individual characters’ balance intentions
We’ve made adjustments for areas where the balance between strengths and weaknesses for each character’s concept was off, as well as for aspects where characters struggled to show their strengths in actual matches.

③ Restoring Potemkin’s sliding special move inputs and balance adjustments in line with this change
In the previous balance adjustment, we removed sliding special move inputs in an attempt to prevent unintended inputs and improve the feel of the controls. However, after seeing the response to this change, we’ve decided to restore the sliding special moves and make balance adjustments in line with this. The changes made to Potemkin’s move inputs made in an effort to prevent unintended inputs remain as-is, so due to the new inputs required some moves make it more challenging to perform this technique.

We intend to make him a character who can be fun even if you cannot fully utilize this technique, with a deeper layer of strategy available to those dedicated enough to master it.

The development work on these adjustments has been completed, and final checks are currently underway in preparation for the December 23 release. The patch notes (to be released at a later date) will have more details.

We would like to apologize sincerely again for the serious issues caused to all of our players, tournament organizers, and everyone who helps support the community.

We will continue to listen to our players and work hard to improve the gameplay experience. We greatly appreciate your kind support.

Guilty Gear -Strive- Producer, Ken Miyauchi


